Entrepreneurship Club
Topic: The Visionary and The Integrator + Reciprocity Ring
Guest Speaker: Emily Bennett
8:30AM-10:00AM | Thursday, November 9 | Library
Members Only
We have talked about the 80/20 rule (20% of your efforts drive 80% of the results), but let’s take a practical look at where a founder should focus and how to make sure that things are moving in the right direction from an operations standpoint, while the founder is optimizing their time and efforts. Emily Bennett is an Integrator with a proven track record of helping Visionaries implement strategy, stay on-track and drive growth. She will also lead a reciprocity ring, whereby all members come to the meeting with an ask so that we can come together as fellow-founders to help each other wherever possible.
Clayton Entrepreneurship Club is a monthly roundtable discussion and community-building initiative for our entrepreneur-minded members. Each month focuses on a specific topic (i.e. fundraising, digital marketing, partnerships, etc.) with an expert in this area to help facilitate the discussion. The goal of Entrepreneurship Club is to foster an open and supportive space for our members to discuss opportunities and challenges they are facing in their ventures. It is open to all levels of entrepreneurs; from those with an idea to those currently running a business and beyond.